Welcome to the website mathsds81.com. This site is maintained and contents are written by Dr. Nav Kumar Mahato [M.Sc. (Mathematics and Computing), M.Phil. (Applied Mathematics) and Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics) @ IIT(ISM), Dhanbad]. This website content mainly design on wide range of topics of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science course. The aim of this site to provide students/viewer to acquire the knowledge of fundamentals as well as applications of different courses. The list of course content is mentioned below:

About Author:

I am currently working as Associated Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University, Kolkata, West Bengal. I have completed my M.Sc. (Mathematics and Computing) in 2006 and MPhil (Applied Mathematics) in 2007 and Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad in 2013. I have more than 16 years of research as well as teaching experience. I have taught different Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science courses to Undergraduate and Postgraduate level students.

Research Interest:

My Published Articles:

Paul T., Singh R. K., and Mahato N. K., 2024. Fate and Transport of Solute with Temporally Varying Pulse Type Input Source under Sorption in Heterogeneous Porous Formation. Pollution, Vol 10(3), pp 915-928. (Scopus) (Q3)
Radha R., Paul T., Singh R. K., Mahato N. K., and Singh M.K., 2024. Solution of pollutant dispersion in porous medium under linear sorption using finite element method, Mathematics and Computer Science, Volume 3, John Wiley and Sons, USA (Scopus indexed)
Paul, T., Mahato, N.K., Singh, R.K. and Das, P., 2024. Study of Pollutant Transport under Linear Sorption in a Groundwater Reservoir, Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, IOP publishing (Scopus indexed)
Paul, T., Mahato, N.K. and Singh, R.K., 2022. Study of solute dispersion under linear sorption in a semi-infinite porous formation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 2349.
Singh, R.K., Paul T., Mahato N. K., and Singh, M.K., 2021. Contaminant dispersion with axial input sources in soil media under non-linear sorption. Environmental Technology, Vol 44(13), Taylor & Francis, pp 1903-1915. IF:2.2 (Q1) DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.2016992.
Singh, R.K., Mahato, N.K., Das, P. and Singh, M.K., 2019. Solute dispersion along and against the groundwater flow in two-dimensional finite aquifer. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2072, No. 1, p. 020010). AIP Publishing LLC. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5090250. (SCOPUS)
Roy, R, Samanta S, Patra S, Mahato N K, and Saha R (2018), In silico identification and characterization of sensory motifs in the transcriptional regulators of ArsR-SmtB family, Metallomics (Royal Society of Chemistry), vol.10, pp1476–1500. DOI: 10.1039/C8MT00082D
Singh M K,Mahato N K, and Kumar N (2015), Pollutant’s horizontal dispersion along and against sinusoidally varying velocity from a pulse type point source, Acta Geophysica Versita (Springer), vol. 63(1), pp. 214-231.  DOI: 10.2478/s11600-014-0244-3 Impact factor: 1.365.
Singh M K,Mahato N K and Kumari, P (2011), Comparative study of analytical solutions for time-dependent solute transport along unsteady groundwater flow in semi-infinite aquifer, Int. J. Geosciences, 2(4), pp 457- 467, DOI:10.4236/ijg.2011.24048.
Singh M K, Mahato N K and Singh P (2011), Longitudinal dispersion with constant Source Concentration along unsteady Groundwater Flow in Finite Aquifer: Analytical Solution with Pulse Type Boundary condition, Natural Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp 186-192,  DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.33024.
Singh M K,Mahato N K andSingh V P(2012), Analytical Approach to Solute Dispersion along and  against Transient Groundwater flow in a Homogeneous Finite Aquifer: Pulse Type Boundary Conditions, Earth and Space,(ASCE), pp796-808,
Singh M K andMahato N K (2012), Analytical modeling of solute transport in homogeneous porous media with Cauchy type boundary condition, International Conference of RAIT, IEEE Explore, pp903-908. DOI:10.1109/RAIT.2012.6194587.
Singh M K, Mahato N K and Singh P (2008), Longitudinal dispersion with time dependent source concentration in semi-infinite aquifer, J. Earth System Science (JESS), Springer, Vol.117, no.6, pp 945-949.
Singh M Kand Mahato N K (2006), Analytical solution for horizontal dispersion along unsteady groundwater flow in semi-infinite aquifer, Proceedings of The Mathematical Society, B. H.U., Varanasi, Vo1.22, pp 25-31.

Email: Kr.nav81@gmail.com, navkumar.mahato@adamasuniversity.ac.in